Professional Family History Research - Piecing your past together
Many records including births,
marriages and deaths and census records from 1841 to 1921 are now available
online. This has considerably assisted family historians, but researchers
need to be aware that what is available is not necessarily true. There are
transcription errors, information given to enumerators may be wrong and they may have made
mistakes when completing the forms.
Also some subscription web sites hold the public family trees which often
contain errors.
There is a wealth of information available, however, that is not online and the benefit of using a professional service like ours is that we know what kind of records can assist in finding information and where to look for those records.
If you are interested in using our services we offer a free initial consultation of 20 minutes. Thereafter we make an hourly charge plus expenses which include the cost of certificates and travel. It can be difficult to estimate costs for a particular project but we recommend that initially that you commission us for a few hours to see if we can help you. Doing research in stages can be beneficial as it can keep costs in check.
It is important to tell us what research you have done already so that we can put the new search in context. How easy it is to find the information you require depends on several variables including how common a surname is and whether the family stayed in one parish or moved around a lot. This is normally supplied in digital format. Hardcopy can be provided at extra cost.
Use this link for General Research Requests
Piecing your past together?
We’ll help you discover the pieces